Dazed & Confused…

“If you owned a Starbucks, would you let Biden work the cash register? How about the latte machine? The man looks like he wants to sit, eat ice cream and take a nap.” Jeff Allen, comedian.

A worry free brain freeze treat!

The month of June had three key events that clearly demonstrated Joe Biden’s rapid cognitive decline, each time on the public stage for the nation and the world to see. With each event it’s becoming increasingly clear that the White House is presented with a problem that is difficult to cover or make excuses.

Normandy, 2024

Starting with the 80th Anniversary celebration of Operation Overlord, commonly referred to as “D-Day,” on June 6, 2024, in Normandy, France. Aside from attempting to read from teleprompters, and slurring his words, including reading the lines verbatim, as he repeatedly bungled the sitting down stage directions(sit). Dr. Jill (LOL) was taking the place of his handlers on stage. As Dementiajoe botched the ceremony in front of millions of people, he skedaddled early as French President Emanuel Macron was greeting the veterans who traveled to remember one of the single greatest achievements in military history.

Juneteenth 2024 at the White House: Can anyone continue to say Biden is perfectly healthy after seeing this? The president is stone still for several minutes as music plays and people clap and sing. His face was frozen in a confused smile. Only after a bystander puts his arm around him does Biden snap out of it. But only a little bit.

On June 10, 2024, Biden appeared to freeze at a White House celebration for Juneteenth, standing still for about 30 seconds while others clapped and danced at a concert. He looked like the electronic Biden in Disney World’s Hall of Presidents. As cited by the New York Post, “Biden stared blankly at modern gospel legend Kirk Franklin for NEARLY ONE MINUTE. He remained weirdly motionless while those around him moved to the music.” Additionally, “He then slurred his speech, one point uttering a string of gibberish…’She knew suhlongasuhijeruhhnied,’ translated to “She know long,” which is grammatically incorrect.

Prime Minister Meloni bringing Biden back to the group..At that point, Meloni walked over to Biden, doing so backwards so she was still facing her fellow leaders and touched the president’s right arm to let him know it was time to rejoin the group. It was reported that the Prime Minister of Italy got a briefing from White House on what she needed to do when Biden wanders on the ground.
During the gathering of world leaders, and attendees from multiple delegations, have reportedly called his performance “embarrassing.”Despite what the corporate mainstream media shows us, it’s hard to imagine how dysfunctional Biden is behind closed doors, which demonstrates just how weak the US is this failure’s leadership.

On June 13, 2024, while attending the G-7 Summit in Puglia, Italy, DementiaJoe appeared to wander off with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni needing to pull him back to focus. The G7 summit is an annual informal economic and security forum attended by leaders of the some of the world’s biggest industrialized democratic nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Union also has status in the group, but is not a full member. As world leaders applauded a parachuting presentation, Biden could be seen trailing off and stepping away from the group, appearing to talk to an officer packing a parachute…but no one was there.

Definitely not interested in parachutes! Late-night shows refuse to touch it because they are in the bag forJ . But even these untalented, two-bit stand-up comedians can see it.
Wandering off, like a kid on the boardwalk. No shock here!

In a remarkable admission, or maybe, heaven forbid, is she testing the waters for another run at the White House? The former First Lady, US Senator(D-NY) and Obama’s Secretary of State, the money laundering, security liability, treasonous scoundrel and one of three who lied before the Congress and the nation regarding the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton, said she believes Biden’s age is a “legitimate” campaign issue even as he was under fire over a contentious and condemning special counsel’s report accusing him of being senile.

Why is this man so angry? Well, there are plenty of reasons!
How uncomfortable does Hillary look?

Early in 2024, a blistering report was issued by Special Counsel Robert Hur, which condemned both former President Donald John Trump and Biden for willful possession of classified documents. Hur determined that Biden was too senile to be prosecuted over his wrongful retention of classified documents. Don’t forget that Biden was in possession of these records from his time as vice-president, for which he was not permitted to take under the Presidential Records Act of 1978. The Presidential Records Act ( PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201 – 2209, is an Act of the United States Congress governing the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created or received after January 20, 1981, and mandating the preservation of all presidential records. Remember, Biden stated that the records in his Delaware garage were safe because his Corvette was locked in there. For real!!

The documents in question are nice and secure…

Furthermore, the fact that Hur chose not to prosecute DementiaJoe for mishandling classified documents despite his actions of “presenting serious risks to national security.” Hur also took into consideration that Biden most likely would present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. Yet, this man is running for re-election and is cognitively delinquent.

The double standards raid at Mar-a-Lago…Biden? Nothing!!

The clear evidence of double standards in Washington shows that while Biden gets a pass for being old and feeble, Trump faced multiple felony charges for doing the same thing, yet he was POTUS while Biden was the VPOTUS. They did the exact same thing, yet Biden avoided facing armed FBI raids on his Pennsylvania offices and his residences in Delaware.

House Republicans contend that hearing Biden’s response to questions could illuminate Hur’s comments about the president’s memory and offer insights into his mental acuity.

The FBI raid in Mar-a-Lago was the first time in the history of the United States that a former president’s residence was raided for materials, documents and mementos, reportedly including letters from Obama and Kim Jong Un, a birthday dinner menu and other correspondence with world leaders. It’s quite obvious that the orthodox, radical extremists of the socialist progressive liberal left were pulling out all the stops in order to attempt POTUSDJT from running against DementiaJoe. Election interference!!

It’s even more fascinating that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, kept illegal servers that were bleached (erased 33,000 emails, many of which were classified that she destroyed upon receiving a subpoena, but unlike Trump, she was incapable of declassifying them.), in a small house adjacent to her main Chappaqua, NY residence, and got away unscathed. Moreover, she used unsecured, non governmental cell phones for State Department business and repeatedly left behind confidential information on the tables in hotel rooms that she used while on “company” trips, which I am sure Bubba Clinton loved. The Secret Service constantly cleaned up after Hillary. And nothing happened!

The Hur report also indicated that DementiaJoe “did not remember when he was vice president” and “did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died” during two days of interviews in October, 2023. During a presser to address the Hur report, Biden lashed out at the description of his mental acuity insisting, “My memory is fine!” and “I know what the hell I’m doing!” Yet, he did mistakenly refer to the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the president of Mexico while speaking to reporters during the same presser.

Fox News’ White House correspondent Peter Doocy asks Biden the tough questions and Biden reacts angrily!!

While people have been complaining about SlowJoe’s cognitive decline, along with his physical health…observe his gait and feeble walk, his mental issues stood out during a presser while answering a question about hostage negotiations regarding the war between Israel and Hamas. A frail, doddering Biden was plainly confused and disoriented, mumbling and pausing, even unable to recall Hamas’ name: “There is some movement, and I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna … Let me choose my words: There’s some movement, there’s been a response from the, uh … There’s been a response from the opposition, but, um …” Then a reporter blurted out: “Hamas?” Biden grabbed on: “Yes, I’m sorry, from Hamas.”

During the aforementioned presser, Biden attempted, and failed, to defend his mental acuity that numerous television news hosts who were once supportive media outlets are now rating this as politically damaging to the president. The New York Times called the event a “political disaster.”…“For years now, President Biden’s advisers have carefully choreographed his every move to avoid what exploded into view over six hours: a vivid display of an elderly, irritable man struggling on a public stage,” Axios reported.

Representative Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) indicated that he planned to introduce legislation that would require Biden to notify Congress if he takes drugs to improve his cognitive abilities.

Biden’s obvious cognitive decline is dangerous for the country and is a gift on a silver platter to our emboldened adversaries around the world. This is what the whole world gets to hear and see. I can just imagine the laughter in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran. So, Biden won’t be charged because he’s incompetent, while Trump is getting charged BECAUSE HE’S COMPETENT??Where’s the logic behind this train of thought???

The president(?) hard at work!! Hur’s description of Biden has renewed calls for Joe to take a cognitive test.
But White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says no way.
“What do you think about taking that kind of a test?” one reporter asked KJP. In a nutshell, she said no test is necessary…the lies continue.

It appears that Gen Z voters have grown increasingly concerned about DementiaJoe’s mental fitness and “retiree” lifestyle as his approval rating slips to an all-time low in a national poll ahead of the 2024 election. It’s been calculated that over 40% of Biden’s presidency has been spent on vacation. There are plenty of Americans, including Gen Z, who don’t want a president who seems more like he’s retired the next four years after 2024.

Furthermore, according to an Axios report, Joenochio has allegedly refused to acknowledge his age. His “reluctance” has caused “tension” in the West Wing as Dr. Jill(LOL) and senior White House aides have reportedly encouraged to get him to “rest more” ahead of a busy campaign season. Let’s return to the 2020 campaign season as Trump was stomping on the campaign trail with never ending rallies, Biden remained sequestered in his basement eating ice cream cones. The 2024 campaign appears it will be a replay of 2020.

The numbers tell a very interesting story….

An overwhelming 86% of US adults felt that the 81-year-old Biden is too old for another term in an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday in the aftermath of a blistering special counsel report that noted apparent memory issues for the president.

In a recently released poll, Biden stands at a 34% approval rating in a Monmouth University poll, with 61% giving Biden a thumbs down on his job performance. At this point in time, his poll numbers are at an all-time low in Monmouth polling since Biden took over the White House 3.5 years ago. The polled voters are particularly concerned about SlowJoe’s handling of inflation, immigration and Israel/Hamas, amongst other issues of his own doing. According to another Monmouth University poll, 76% of voters think Biden is too old to effectively serve another term, compared to only 48% who believe the same of Trump. 

Biden’s job approval rating is 21 points below average among the Black Community and 15 points below average among the Hispanic Community, compared with 6 points among white people. Biden’s support among Blacks differs sharply when the group is divided into younger and older voters. While 65% of Blacks aged 50 and up approve of the president, only 32% younger than 50 say likewise. The lack of support among younger Black voters, once a lock to back Democrats, shows demographic is no longer a guarantee to support the party’s candidates. Maybe, just maybe, the communities that the radical, progressive Democrats counted on are finally starting to see the light.

In two ABC polls regarding Biden vs. Trump:

-Asked about the candidates’ cognitive fitness for the presidency, 47% supported Trump, age 78, versus 28% for Biden age 81.On the question of physical fitness, 57% supported Trump, while 28% backed Biden. I don’t understand what people supporting DementiaJoe fail to see.

-The condition of the economy always remains as a top issue, if not the number one for voters in a presidential election, and Biden’s standing is poor. More than half of the respondents (56%) said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, while 31% approved. Again, I don’t understand what that 31% see as a successful economy.

Macron Mitterrand

During the Nevada Democratic Primary Convention in Las Vegas, Biden told the crowd that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the former French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years. He mixed up French President Emmanuel Macron with Mitterrand, who died in 1996. And not one news organization that adheres to the liberal, progressive agenda reported on one really Hall of Fame faux pas. You can bet that our adversaries got a good, long laugh at DementiaJoe. And we can add the late German prime minister Helmut Kohl to the list of ghosts DementiaJoe converses with. I wonder who’s next with Biden’s ghost hunting connection?

Former White House Chief Medical Officer, Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson (RET.), who now serves in the House of Representatives(R-TX), had served both Obama & former President Donald John Trump, and is leading House Republicans who have requested that Biden undergo a cognitive test and release the results “so the American people know the full mental and intellectual health of their President.” Dr. Jackson stated, “They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties of Head of State and Commander in Chief. They deserve full transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader.”

And Biden will not receive a cognitive exam!

There has been an overwhelming failure to acknowledge the majority of crises that Biden has been responsible for. Remember, DementiaJoe served in the Senate with Senators that were born when Grover Cleveland ( March 04, 1893-March 04, 1897), William McKinley (March 04, 1897-September 14, 1901), and Theodore Roosevelt (September 14, 1901-March 4, 1909)occupied the White House. Biden never belonged in the White House! Period! Elder. Abuse. In. Its. Purest. Form. As Dr.(LOL) Jill tries to defend her husband.

While there has always been rumblings of term limitations for the members of the Congress, this movement really picked up steam as Biden aged before our eyes, and the world’s eyes for that matter, as his cognitive abilities declined. Both houses of the Congress have an age requirement: at least 25 years old for the House and at least 30 years for the Senate. The minimum age for the presidency is 35 years. While these age requirements are generally low, most members of Congress are nearly senior citizens.

As of November 2023, The Congress has become a gerontocracy, run by those much older than the median age of Americans. Prior to the passing of 90-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein(D-CA) in September, 2023, the median age of senators was 65. If one looks at the length of the careers of the oldest Congressional members, they essentially became professional politicians, which resulted in plenty of wealthy individuals. Biden, at the very worst, can only have one more term…if he is re-elected and makes it to the finish line in 2028. And if he’s re-elected we are screwed. Why? It’s highly unlikely that he will make the four years. So, whether Biden is impeached or resigns, look who’s on deck! And Harris’ poll numbers are lower than Biden’s.

So, whatever damage that has been inflicted by Biden, his failed administration, along with the orchestration and influence of Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, the Democratic donor elites and the deep state, will take decades to repair, if it can be. So a big thank you to the radical, progressive socialist left and the weak Democratic party, along with the idiots who voted them in.

And let’s remember the DementiaJoe has canceled one presser after another, while failing to sit down for a “real” face to face interview. That’s three years in a row! Trump engaged with the bootlicking dregs of the Democratic corporate mainstream media everyday. The big question for the upcoming presidential election is in what manner will Biden campaign? Remember he had been sequestered in 2020, while now being shielded from the public and will not be up to campaigning in 2024.

Amazingly, Biden was offered a 20-25 minute interview on CBS News, a left leaning “news” network, before the Super Bowl, yet he turned them down for the second consecutive year. In response, former Democratic strategist James Carvalle stated skipping that interview, with an estimated 80m people across the world in the viewing audience, is a clear indication that the administration has little confidence in Biden answering questions extemporaneously. Just imagine his usual actions on camera, even though the interview is recorded.

“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” Robert Hur, Executive Summary

The American public, and the world, can see what is going on right before their eyes. The man who is the POTUS, the Commander in Chief and the “leader” of the free world, is cognitively delinquent, sliding fast and too far gone for the job. Biden has to change the perception that the economy sucks. And since he became president, both the country and the world are far less stable and secure. Unbelievably, a number of those on the progressive left want to keep him as president. Biden claims that he’s on top of his game. What bloody game could he be talking about?

Remember, you can’t fix stupid!