Biden’s Fundamental Change

Obama & Biden…The Fundamental Change

Former President Donald John Trump, the GOP presumptive nominee, shredded OpenBorderJoe Biden’s mass amnesty plan that was recently announced, telling a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, that Biden “wants to be the president for illegal aliens.”

In 2014, during an interview, Obama stated that he wanted to “fundamentally change” America. Additionally, at various times during his presidency, and when he thankfully left, Obama had mentioned during speeches about his support to have “one million Baracks and Michelles.” Was that Obama hinting that he was planning to turn America into a social democratic Euro-state? Moreover, the one million comment is strongly parroting the National Socialist German Workers Party “Hitlerjugend,” or Hitler Youth.

A German Soldier…a Hitlerjugend in the Wehrmacht

From the historical context, The Hitler Youth, “Hitlerjugend,”was the youth organization of the Nazi Party in Germany. Its origins date back to 1922 and it received the name Hitler-Jugend, Bund deutscher Arbeiterjugend (“Hitler Youth, League of German Worker Youth”) in July 1926. From 1936 until 1945, it was the sole official boys’ youth organization in Germany and it was partially a paramilitary organization. Furthermore, towards the final days of WWII, the Hitlerjugend fought as fanatical as the Schutzstaffel, or the SS, which was a major paramilitary organization under Hitler and the Nazis in Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II. The key is fanatical worship and adherence to the gospel of the leader, philosophies and principles to reach a desired outcome…the radical, progressive, socialist Democrats.

In order to keep the numbers down, DHS does not include the illegals who enter through the CBP app.

Just two weeks after signing a “border-tightening” Executive Order that is not worth the paper that it was written on , OpenBorderJoe announced two “reforms” that would streamline legalization for two groups of illegal immigrants. These reforms include 500,000+ “dreamers,” who were brought into the country as children and are protected from deportation under DACA, an Obama-era executive order, having circumvented The Congress. The Biden administration announced another major immigration policy change, offering those 500,000 illegal immigrants a streamlined path to US residency and citizenship.This latest action will also permit selected noncitizens, who are married to US citizens, to stay in the country and work legally, expanding a program primarily used for immediate family of military service members. Immigrants must have lived in the US for ten years and be married to a US citizen. There is no specifics on how long the couple must have been married, but not everyone becomes eligible. Biden’s recent border actions have been met with legal challenges from both liberal and conservative groups. The ACLU is suing over changes to the asylum process, and America First Legal is suing over the new immigration policy. The Obama fundamental change, with a pathway to citizenship and the right to vote.

With the 2024 presidential election right around the corner, Biden’s poll numbers are so far under water across the board that the Democratic Party is absolutely terrified about a President Donald John Trump 2.0. So, due to their desperation and Trump Derangement Syndrome, Biden has taken to giving out green cards and an unobstructed path to citizenship, just happening in time for the 2028 elections. Moreover, Biden’s favorability rating in Democrat-heavy New York has dropped to 42%, the lowest ever for him there, according to the latest Siena College poll. Biden’s 3-point drop since May corresponds with a single-digit lead in the state over former President Donald John Trump, making it the closest race in New York since 1988, when Democrat Michael Dukakis beat Republican George H.W. Bush by 4 points in an election won easily by Bush, according to the survey. Interestingly, everything that has been thrown at Trump has blown up in the progressive left’s face.

From the nanosecond he entered the presidency, all OpenBorderJoe has done is play politics with immigration, having rescinded former President Donald John Trump’s border-protection measures with the stroke of a pen: 94 executive actions in the first 100 days. Senator Bill Hagerty(R-TN): “If you think about it, his numbers are not rising with Hispanic voters or with Black voters in every demographic group. They can see what’s happening with their own two eyes. They know what Biden is doing, again, rewarding more illegal immigration in the middle of an immigration crisis that he precipitated,” Hagerty said, as he called Biden’s efforts to win votes by granting amnesty to illegals “preposterous.”

A majority of Americans favor mass deportation of illegal alien criminals…62% of the Hispanic Community are against Biden’s immigration farce.

As he faces pressure from Congressional Republicans and a splintered Democratic party, excluding the hideous members of the degenerate, hateful anti-American “squad,” Biden issued an Executive Order focusing on restricting immigration, a move that won’t effectively shut down either the southern or northern border illegal crossings. The EO calls for Customs and Border Protection to limit the number of asylum seekers when encounters at points of entry exceed 2,500 per day. As the current daily average of illegal aliens crossings exceeds that number, which was last below 2,500 in January 2021…and who was sworn in that month? The majority of the illegal aliens are looking for financial asylum, not political asylum. However, it was reported that the written exceptions in Biden’s action would still allow almost 1.8 million illegal aliens into the US per year. This is the ultimate gaslighting tactic to keep the border open. And what he did was fail to address the illegal aliens that cross the border without entering through the legal ports of entry. The Obama fundamental change, with a pathway to citizenship and the right to vote.

At this point, 42,000+ illegal aliens have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days following Biden’s Executive Order, or “border restrictions” took effect. As reported by CBP, most of the illegal aliens are still being given court dates and released into the US, despite the Biden Administration’s claim that the new measure would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into border towns and major cities. And let’s not forget that the court dates are years into the future, and who knows if they will even show!

One of the illegal alien New York hotels…but the American homeless are ignored.

To that end, Biden and his immigration team, continually fail to acknowledge that the invasion of illegal aliens have seen spikes in crime nationwide. The three latest heinous crimes to receive attention were in New York City, no shock there being a sanctuary city, Bel Air, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore, another sanctuary city and Houston, a sanctuary city. Coincidentally, both cities are run by Democratic mayors. Crime rates remain high in Philadelphia, Washington,DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, El Paso, Los Angeles and San Francisco…all Democratic sanctuary cities.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerick

As reported by Newsmax, former New York City Police Department Commissioner Bernie Kerik stated that the recent rapes and murders of US citizens by illegal immigrants are “clearly Joe Biden’s fault.” What he’s done over the past three years, you got 8 to 10 million people that have come into the country. Venezuela and other countries have emptied out their jails and let these people in. And the only thing that’s going to stop this is a mass deportation of the illegals that come into the country.”Kerik said Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “should be in prison.” Kerik by the way was one of the NYPD’s best commissioners.

There are news stories demonstrating that OpenBorderJoe has been importing criminals from countries who have emptied their prisons, while doing nothing to secure American sovereignty and should absolutely be ashamed. The Republicans rightfully criticized the White House for its “pathetic” and “shameful” statements on the killings of Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray, while never mentioned they were murdered by illegal immigrants. And let’s not forget about Laken Riley…it’s Biden’s fault, it’s OpenBorderJoe’s open border, both south and north:

Rachel Morin

1-In Harford County, Maryland, Rachel Morin’s mother criticized DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for referring to her daughter, who was murdered by an illegal alien, as an “individual” instead of naming her in an interview. “It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother or a daughter,” Patty Morin recently told Fox News. Law enforcement identified the man responsible for the brutal attack, rape, and murder of mother-of-five as a suspected MS-13 gang member. The murderer, who was a gotaway, was arrested in Oklahoma, more than a year after the crime. The wanted criminal from El Salvador is also suspected of attacking a 9-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles last year. An illegal alien! The Harford County sheriff in sounded off on the scourge of migrant crime in the US after charging the suspected Salvadoran with the brutal rape and murder of the mother-of-five on a popular hiking trail. By the way, Rachel Morin was the second person murdered in this Maryland county, which is 2000 miles from the southern border! And not a single representative from the Biden administration, or Biden himself, has reached out to the Morin family. Trump? He reached out to the family and they were appreciative of the 30 minute phone call.

2-In a Queens, NY park, an Ecuadorian illegal alien, who crossed illegally near Eagle Pass, Texas, was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl he bound and gagged, and told the NYPD that he recorded the attack during a sickening taped confession, prosecutors alleged one week after the attack. As reported by the New York Post, “The chilling admission by the 25 year old, broke the silence in an otherwise-hushed court hearing in which he was arraigned on charges of rape, predatory sexual assault, kidnapping and a raft of other felonies from the shocking June 13 attack in Kissena Park.” This mutt had scratches visible on his face, scowled and kept his head down throughout the arraignment, even as the judge ordered him remanded without bail until his next court appearance July 1. Additionally, this illegal alien faces an immigration arrest from Texas for being an inadmissible alien after he crossed the border on June 25, 2021, while posing as a flight risk given his “tenuous” ties to the US. The Post first reported that an immigration judge in 2021 issued a notice to appear and released him on his own recognizance. In 2022, an immigration judge issued a notice to leave the US.

This hideous assault prompted a five-day search by law enforcement that drew a plethora of tips, which ended in a dramatic, caught-on-video takedown by neighborhood good Samaritans who said they recognized the illegal alien as the wanted rapist, so they “swarmed him and tied him up.” In other words, street justice New York style. As the father to a beautiful, intelligent woman, she knows that anyone harms her I would beat them to a pulp!

As reported by the New York Post, one week after his daughter was allegedly raped by the illegal alien from Ecuador, the father charged “This is what happens” when undocumented migrants are allowed to flood into the US unchecked. “The open border policy, I have never agreed with, because that just invites a lot of things that we don’t need,” said the 70-year-old dad, whose name is being withheld by The Post to protect his daughter’s identity. “And look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter.”

3-Police in Houston have arrested two illegal aliens from Venezuela for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was lured away from her home after she snuck out, then strangled and dumped her in creek under a bridge where the illegal aliens slept. Both of the suspects crossed the border illegally earlier this year and one returned less than a month before the murder was committed, but had been released into the US after claiming he feared for his life if he was sent back to his home country, sources told The New York Post. Both these mutts were given trackers by CBP and one was able to cut it off after 21 days. Both were released into the US with GPS monitoring after illegally crossing the southern border into El Paso, Texas sector. Sadly, the Associated Press was dismissive regarding the biographical information about these two mutts…nothing was mentioned! Another mother lost her child!

Kate Steinle (December 13, 1982-July 1, 2015)

Yet as the amount of Angel Families continue to rise nationwide, the first murder by an illegal alien that shook up the country was that of Kate Steinle. On July 1, 2015, the 32-year-old Steinle was shot and killed while walking with her father and a friend along Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. She was hit in the back by a single bullet. The man who fired the gun said he had found it moments before, wrapped in cloth beneath a bench on which he was sitting. As he picked it up the weapon discharged. The shooter had been deported five times, therefore was an illegal alien. Unfortunately, he was acquitted for lack of evidence. The defense attorney blamed former President Donald John Trump, at the time a presidential candidate, who cited the shooter in support of his proposal to deport criminal illegal immigrants living in the United States, and mentioned Steinle during his acceptance speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention. On January 11, 2019, the illegal alien filed an appeal of his ”felon in possession”conviction in the First Appellate District of the California Court of Appeals. On August 30, 2019, the California state 1st District Court of Appeals overturned the gun conviction saying “the judge failed to instruct the jury on one of his defenses.” The mutt was warned never to cross the border again.

As stated by CBP, there are illegal aliens crossing the border from over 160 countries. The number of migrants flocking to the US-Mexico border from Tajikistan, a country known as a hotbed of terrorist recruitment, has skyrocketed under Biden. More than 1,500 migrants from Tajikistan are known to have crossed the border between October 2020 and May 2024, according to leaked border data obtained by The Post. It’s unknown how many of the Tajik migrants were released into the US, but the vast majority of migrants caught at the border claim asylum and are allowed to stay while they await a court hearing…years away! Over the previous 14 years there were just 26 Tajik nationals crossing the border. Don’t forget the warnings by FBI Director Christopher Wray and US Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding domestic terrorism as Texas Department of Safety reports that 4,000 criminal illegal aliens were stopped at the border…and as things happen, it falls directly on OpenBorderJoe and the worthless, liar Mayorkas.

In regards to the sanctuary city disaster, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has responded in the past to the crime wave that has grown in the five boroughs. In between Adams burning the late night oil clubbing and dining out at extravagant restaurants, he has in the past criticized OpenBorderJoe, who in turn screwed NYC by lack of funding for the 195,000+ illegal aliens now living in hotels, receiving food, free medical treatment and free education. To that end, Adams, a former NYPD precinct commander, has stated that under the current administration criminals are hiding under the sanctuary laws and are immune to deportation by Immigration and Custom Enforcement. And the NYC Council is not changing the laws, which are at most eight years old. The mayor should put the sanctuary city issue on the ballot and take it out of the progressive, leftist City Council’s hands.

With the Biden Administration’s dangerous open border policies, every state is a border state, every Democratic run city is a sanctuary city with rising crime rates and every American citizen is at risk. “Folks, I’m not interested in playing politics with the border or with immigration, I’m interested in fixing it“Biden said. Nice words…empty words…big lie. This is Obama’s goal to “fundamentally change” the US from within, with illegals being given a pathway to citizenship and the right to vote. Yet under the Biden administration there are 1.8 million gotaways and counting. Just imagine being the family of Rachel Morin and having to take her two youngest children to visit the cemetery.

Lastly, OpenBorderJoe repeats the claim that “every nation must secure its borders!”Enough said!!

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