I Ran Because Of You….

“America was an idea.  We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before.” Joe Biden, 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate.

Those words are from the mouth of the self-proclaimed face of the Democratic Party. During a 47+ year political career, “Denyin’ and Hidin’Joe” Biden has zero accomplishments as he turned his back on the coutry. Biden’s quote eerily sounded much like his former boss’ apology tour, never acknowledging for what the United States stands “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” From that one stupid sentence, the dumbest VPOTUS in American History was severely criticized by critics and by members of President Donald John Trump’s Presidential Campaign, including Campaign Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, who wrote, “Joe Biden. Where have you been for 47 years? America is the greatest nation in the world. We stand for freedom and opportunity for all. Our nation is filled with strong, innovative and hard-working individuals who love this country. I don’t want to fundamentally transform it.” Additionally, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) raked Biden over the coals, “Forty seven years. Zero accomplishments. Americans deserve better than your apology tour.” Obama 2.0!

During the third and final debate between President Donald John Trump and Democratic candidate “Denying’ and Hidin’Joe”Biden, and being a student of history, I went back to school when I learned from Biden that the United States was friends with Adolf Hitler before World War II. I didn’t know that. I find it fascinating that somehow the liberal always manages to work in their obsession with Hitler or Nazi Germany. I do know that Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, Sr., Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford, Democrats all, initially supported Hitler. Moreover, Biden blatantly lied about his flip-flop stance on fracking, with both stances on video. And most interestingly, he denied his involvement with Hunter Biden schemes for pay for play. In other words, access to Obama’s VPOTUS, who influenced policies, made him a corrupt politician! Very Hillary! Biden even called out president Abraham Lincoln as being racist. Yet, wasn’t President Lincoln the man who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in January,1863? Furthermore, Biden also had forgotten that President Lincoln wrote and ratified the 13th amendment in January, 1865, with a majority of the Democratic members of The Congress voting against it. Moreover, as Reconstruction was proceeding, not one Democrat voted in favor of the 14th and 15th Amendments. President Donald John Trump correctly pointed out that throughout his 47 1/2 years of a do nothing career, “Hidin’Joe” Biden has said and done things that border on the bizarre. And Biden, even with Hunter Biden’s former business associate speaking out about payola from China and Russia, stated that this was just Russian disinformation. Big joke. And lastly, president Donald John Trump was absolutely correct on each point about having done more for the black community in 3 1/2 years then Biden did in 47 1/2 years. Biden shared his plans for his possible time in office, but as POTUSDJT astutely pointed out, Biden had the opportunity to make these changes and did nothing whether as a sitting United States Senator or as VPOTUS..

Well for 47+ years, “Hidin’ Joe” Biden has been fooling people into thinking that he’s a competent politician who cares about minorities and the country. As a result of “Hidin’ Joe’s” decades long demonstration of the Democratic Party’s systemic and historical racism targeting the Black Community, young Black voters should be insightful and not support Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election. The fools in the mainstream media have hidden/erased his long history of racist comments and his support for the Biden/Bubba Clinton 1994 national crime bill. The MSM also has hidden/erased his 1986 drug act, which impacted the Black Community more than any other group. Just think about his statement that if a member of the Black Community doesn’t vote for him, well “You ain’t Black.” And the dregs of the cosmopolitan biased, cultural supremacist, corporate mainstream media ignored those absolutely racist and clueless comments.

In 1986, Biden co-authored “The Anti-Drug Abuse Act,” which allowed judges to sentence first-time felons to life imprisonment for drug offenses exceeding 5 kilograms of cocaine. Previously, a person could not be sentenced to more than 20 years for cocaine offenses. Biden was later praised by his Democratic colleagues in the Senate for his “diligence” in making possible a law that also created huge sentencing discrepancies between powder and crack cocaine — a drug more commonly used among Black Americans. The law made it so that someone who was caught trying to sell just 5 grams of crack would be given the same penalty as someone dealing 500 grams of cocaine powder, creating a disparity of 100 to 1. Who was most affected by this law? The Black Community that the Democrats claim to be “friendly” towards.

As Biden continually put his foot in his mouth, he is showing the Democrat’s “camouflaged” stance towards the Black Community and was not getting held to task. As previously stated, don’t forget that as a senator from Delaware, Biden supported the 1986 minimum mandatory sentencing for drug dealers, the 1986 felony laws for the distribution of drugs and finally supporting Bubba Clinton’s 1994 crime bill for mandatory incarceration (see next paragraph.) And this is his record of support for the Black community? Conversely, President Donald John Trump instituted prison reform and freed numerous people who were overcharged with non-violent crimes, such as Alice Johnson. Not too much coverage from the bootlicking dregs of the mainstream media.

As we further focus on “Hidin’ Joe,”let’s not forget that he was an angry, rambling Senator from Delaware. Biden enthusiastically wrote 1994’s “The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, H.R. 3355. Pub. L. 103-22, which is an Act of The Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement. The act became law in 1994. It was the largest crime bill in the history of the United States and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. Bubba Clinton signed this into law. The group that suffered the most from this act were Black Americans. And then Senator Biden said at the time, and it’s being paraphrased, that anyone messes with his family he will take them out. In 1994 Biden wasn’t challenged. No words today! And now he promises to defund the police, while 81% of the people polled want police presence increased. Just look what is going on in Democratic run cities that have proposed defunding or disbanding law enforcement…months of rioting.

The history of the Democratic Party’s disdain for the Black Community began in 1776 with the beginnings of the Southern Democrats, to the “Copperheads” of 1868, to President Wilson’s continued enforcement of Jim Crow, to LBJ’s outward racism on through Democratic Candidate Joe Biden, who continues to demonstrate the party’s racist history. Biden was quoted in 1977 that non-“orderly” racial integration policies would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” Additionally he then said: “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

Biden’s attitude has not changed towards the Black Community! In a recent interview, Biden continues to demonstrate the Democrats’ antipathy towards the Black Community. He very clearly insulted the voting group that the radical, extremists of the socialist liberal left take for granted. The former VPOTUS stated, “And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” That’s Joe Biden on NPR. This is Biden’s continuing insults and lies towards the Black Community. The MSM doesn’t talk about it and continually covers for Biden. And lastly, what has the Democratic Party truly done for the Black Community? Multi-generational entitlements, which is a major incentive not to better oneself, living off the government. Not good!

Any Democrat worth their salt should look up these following Democratic people: Edward Rutledge, Preston Brooks, Roger Taney, Fernando Wood, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Robert Byrd, Lyndon Baines Johnson and George Wallace. It’s easy to make the guess that the aforementioned names are people who were staunchly Democrat. What is more interesting is that one person signed the Declaration of Independence. Another was a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina who nearly caned to death an abolitionist Republican Senator from Massachusetts. You have a Supreme Court Associate Justice, three Presidents and a Governor from Alabama, who stated, “Segregation now, segregation forever.” The Senator from West Virginia who mentored Bubba and Hillary Clinton, was a Klansman. And speaking of the KKK, the first Wizard is listed here. The Klan, with support of Southern Democrats, suppressed voting rights of blacks and Republicans in the South through violence and intimidation during the elections of 1868. And included in this group is a former Mayor of NYC who threatened that New York would succeed from the Union if the 13th Amendment was ratified when he was a member of The Congress. Look them up!

Except for a brief time during Reconstruction (1865-?), there has never been a time since its inception that the Democrats have not had absolute control over most of the Black population in America. They have used the race card in one way or another to maintain power ever since. In December 1864, President Lincoln appointed Secretary of the Tresurey Salmon Chase to the Supreme Court of the United States to replace Chief Justice Roger Taney, who died in October, 1864. Well, long story short, I think, on February 1, 1865, the day after the Congress ratified the 13th Amendment, Senator Charles Sumner (R-MASS) introduced a motion that made John Rock the first Black attorney to be admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court. Rock also became the first black person to be received on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. Taney was appointed by President Andrew Jackson and enforced slavery as evidenced by the Dred Scott decision.

President Donald John Trump continues to embrace the Black Community. In a nutshell, pre-COVID-19, unemployment for the Black Community was the lowest in recorded history. Black wages were rapidly increasing for the first time in decades. People who had faced long term unemployment were being hired and suddenly were able to take their families on vacations for the first time in years. POTUSDJT’s police-reform executive order, the First Step Act, released thousands of people from jail, 90 percent of whom were black, including the overcharged Alice Johnson, see Biden 1986. He has promoted “opportunity zones” that incentivized private investment into lower socioeconomic communities. POTUSDJT also increased federal funding to historically black colleges and universities by 17 percent, permanently, a total exceeding $100 million, more than any president in history. On the flip side, the Obama/Biden administration infamously CUT a two-year Bush-administration program that annually funded $85 million directly to these prized institutions. In 2016, as POTUSDJT was campaigning, he questioned the Black Community at every stop, “What have you got to lose?” No Democrat asked that question, on to make promises If the radical extremists of the socialist liberal left consider the United States a racist country, why was a Black elected as POTUS, but he did not do anything to bring the country together, only divided her.

A side note about Senator Sumner: Sumner was a staunch abolitionist, as were the majority of Republicans. In 1856, Senator Preston Brooks (D-SC) nearly killed Sumner with a cane on the floor of the senate as Sumner delivered an anti-slavery speech. During his speech, Sumner called out Brooks’ cousin, Senator Andrew Butler (D-SC) as a “pimp for slavery.” Sumner took years to recover. When Sumner was re-elected, his seat was waiting for him to return. So, which party is racist? So, which party is prone to violence…even today? (See photo below)

So, with the months of arson, looting, rioting and destruction of private and public property, “Hidin’Joe” finally felt motivated to crawl out of his basement and looked around. Biden, along with the entire sphere of the radical extremists of the socialist liberal left, has determined that President Donald John Trump is the sole reason for the rioting, etc. The desired end result of these organized “peaceful protests,” along with the COVID-19 pandemic, was to finish the job of ending POTUSDJT’s presidency. The Obama/Biden FBI/DOJ failed with Russia using the DNC/Clinton salacious dossier, which torpedoed their reputation. The dregs of the mainstream media destroyed whatever public trust they had with their “yellow news.” Democrats ignored their oaths to serve the country, but did not do their duty with fake impeachments. And now it has afforded Biden months to finally state the main anarchist groups, BLM and ANTIFA, are the direct result of POTUSDJT tenure as Chief Executive, which we know is their fantasyland. As one of my favorite columnists, the NY Post’s Michael Goodwin so accurately wrote:”The assault against America, according to Biden, demonstrates that ANTIFA, BLM and other anarchist groups are casualties of the President’s toxic being.” What “Hidin Joe” forgets is that ANTIFA and BLM, along with other groups, existed long before President Donald John Trump ran against the carpetbagging, scoundrel Hillary Clinton and stomped her. And don’t forget that the unhinged, radical extremists have used the racist card to distract, distort and demonize POTUSDJT, when it’s really on them, historically speaking.

And one last comment about the third debate. As he was trying to prop up his points, Biden would look straight into the camera in order to address the viewing public. And as he was talking, he was using the same old ploy used by politicians on every level during an election. The words were hollow and standard. His thoughts were hollow and standard. The stare? Well, put two and two together. While Biden repeatedly stated that he was speaking to voters across the aisle, President Donald John Trump made it clear as a bell that he was speaking to all the voters.

On a side note, it was reported that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was really pissed because POTUSDJT called her “AOC” and didn’t refer to her by her official title “Congresswoman.” According to her representatives she is a super serious person who demands to be taken seriously. I guess that she has a party of one that takes former barkeep Sandy Ocasio-Cortez seriously.

So make the call! Why is President Donald John Trump considered an evil racist by the unhinged, radical extremists of the socialist liberal left? Because he couldn’t be bought during his first trip abroad at Davos. Because he exposed them for what they are and ran against and defeated the treasonous scoundrel Hillary Clinton. Don’t judge President Donald John Trump by his personality, whether you love him or hate him. Remember, he did something an overwhelming majority of politicians hardly ever do…KEEP PROMISES HE MADE, and keeps the United States first. You can look it up

Lastly, I am personally insulted by the opening comments from Biden. The United States of America is not systemically racist. This country affords each citizen, not illegal aliens, an opportunity to better themselves. And yes, no country is perfect, but each experience is a teachable moment instead of tearing down statues and making false accusations about great contributors to the American story, which is still being written. And the stakes are high and this ain’t no card game.

President Donald John Trump was extremely “presidential” during the debate, but he reminded everyone why he ran, and won, because POTUSDJT WASN’T a politician, while seeing the poor job of the eight year failure and incompetence of the Obama/Biden administration. So, “I Ran Because of You!” President Donald John Trump could not have couched those words any better! Oh my!

“I Ran Because of You!”President Donald John Trump


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